DID YOU KNOW? April 2016
TrinityWomen has a new website. Go to http://trinitywomen.wix.com/welcome for the latest inspiring and interesting articles, photos and...
THE FAMILY ROOM: 7 Priorities for Great Parenting
If we had only 30 minutes to talk with you, here's the advice we would pass on. by Dennis and Barbara Rainey Do you ever feel like your...
Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11 (AMPC) “Aglow...
TrinityWomen News You Can Use: March 2016
March is the month that is known for being windy. When I think of wind, I’m reminded of the fact that in scripture, the words “wind” or...
SNEAK PEEKS!!! March 2016
Paint Night Saturday, April 16, 2016 Women of all ages are invited to participate in this event that is being sponsored by the Young...
DID YOU KNOW? March 2016
TrinityWomen has a new website. Go to http://trinitywomen.wix.com/welcome for the latest inspiring and interesting articles, photos and...