TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use April 2016
April is known as being a month during which we receive a lot of rain. You’re probably familiar with the cute little adage, “April showers bring May flowers.” While that saying may be true, usually rain is viewed, at best, as an inconvenience and, at worst, the cause of devastating floods. However, in scripture, rain is also often a metaphor for the presence and blessing of God. Whatever your view of those physical drops of water that descend from the sky, as believers, we should all agree that we desire a more acute awareness of God’s presence and favor in our lives. Hosea 6:3 admonishes us, Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth.
As you go through this month, with or without your umbrella, may your heart’s cry be to experience the rain of the Lord in an unparalleled measure. With His rain, you won’t even have to wait until May to experience the results.
Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down/Oh Comforter and Friend/How we need Your touch again/Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down
Let Your power fall/Let Your voice be heard/Come and change our hearts/As we stand on Your word/Holy Spirit, rain down No eye has seen/No ear has heard/No mind can know what God has in store/So open up Heaven, open it wide/Over Your Church and over our lives
Let Your power fall/Let Your voice be heard/Come and change our hearts/As we stand on Your word/Holy Spirit, rain down Rain down!
by Russell John Fragar
If you’d like to hear a moving rendition of this song by Alvin Slaughter, go to
In this month’s newsletter, you’ll find our small group meetings listed in a feature titled, “The Gathering Place”. Shanon Cook wrote the piece that is found in the “TWAM” section. In “The Family Room”, we have an article supplied by Cheryl Joel. Calla Merkle shares a devotional lesson with us in the “Walking with Jesus” feature. The “God’s Money and You” article is from Compass, a ministry that provides Biblically-based financial guidance. In our health and wellness-based feature, “Making Me Whole”, we have an article provided by Jummy Amuwo, a pharmacist. Look in “The Cook’s Corner” for a recipe from the kitchen of Anita Shaw. The “Sneak Peeks” section will give you a hint of future growth and fellowship opportunities and we list some other ways that you can connect with us in the “Did You Know?” feature. Enjoy!