I have always had a desire to work with girls and help them navigate through life. One day on a phone call with a friend, we were discussing moving into our destiny, and doing what it is that God has put on our hearts. I mentioned, once again, starting a group for girls. This was in July of 2014. I clearly heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “When?” You know how we like to wait until one thing or the other is in place, or “OUR” perfect time arrives to move into what it is that God has laid on our hearts? After hearing that still small voice, I thought about it for a few minutes. I decided
that I would start the girl’s ministry on the first Saturday of the very next month.
Once I decided to answer what it was that God had placed on my heart, I needed to come up with a name for the ministry. Girls are very unique beings. They are not just men with wounds. They are strong but delicate, smart and emotional, impulsive, and yet calculating, all at the same time. Because they are all of these things, and so much more, it can be difficult for them to navigate through the teen years. On a daily basis, they are faced with situations and have to make choices that no girl should have to make. They are constantly being made under pressure, so they usually can’t see how precious they are to the Lord or to the people who care about them. That is when the name Gemstones in Christ came. Like the precious gemstones hidden deep in the earth, girls are under constant pressure and the weight of the world (life) as they are being transformed into young women - the gems that God created them to be. They don’t know it yet, but, like gemstones, once the process is complete, they will come out shining and full of beauty.
I had a little less than a month to get the news out, so I quickly put together a flyer and e-mailed it to all of my friends and family who knew teen girls between the ages of 13 and 18. I also sent it out via text to my daughter, and she sent it to all of her friends, and they, in turn, did the same. A year and seven months later, Gemstones in Christ continues to meet once a month at my home. We have also had outings to wherever the girls wanted to go. It is a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere where teenage girls can come and share what is going on in their lives, and whatever is on their hearts and minds. No topic is off limits. They are free to share as much or as little as they feel comfortable in doing. They ask questions and give each other sound advice. Our Gemstones gatherings have been a place of inspiration and love for any girl that has joined us. It is a place where many have come to understand more about themselves, and the many relationships that they encounter on a daily basis.
Gemstones in Christ has been as much of a blessing to me as it has been to the girls. I am so grateful to our heavenly Father for choosing me to have an impact on the lives of these young ladies, for choosing me to show them the love of Christ and for entrusting them to my care as I help them navigate through their difficult times into adulthood. I am so grateful that I did not delay one more month when I heard the Holy Spirit say “When?” If there is something that God has placed on your heart, don’t delay. The timing may never be perfect. Situations may never be optimal, but if you move out and do what He has given you to do, He will make up the difference and all involved will be blessed.