WALKING WITH JESUS: The God of All Comfort – 2 Cor. 1:3 NIV
God can bring you through situations you think you will not survive, or believe you will be stuck in forever. (I vividly remember my husband thinking that he might never fully recover from his brain injury last January.) He can make you comfortable in the most uncomfortable places and give you peace in the midst of trauma, though most times it is through a process and not instant. Before your life is over, you will live, love and experience loss. Losing some things will actually help you to appreciate the things you still have. It is the taste of failure that makes success sweet. You will live each day not knowing what tomorrow holds, but confident that God has your tomorrows all planned out. They are not in the hands of your boss or your banker or your mate or anyone else. Nor are they in your own hands to manipulate and control. No, all your tomorrows are in God’s loving and powerful hands.
Just because you do not recognize the path you are on does not mean that God is not leading you. He promises, “I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them and not forsake them.” – Isa. 42:16 NKJV.
So, get to know God – you will need Him. And He will be there for you. He will be there when everybody and everything else has failed you. He will be there for you in the dark places, (and I have found that He has treasures in those dark places!) “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” – Ps. 30:5 NKJV. However long the night lasts, morning always comes and with it, His joy. As you look back you will realize that His grace protected you, provided for you, secured you, calmed you, comforted you, and brought you through. Times and seasons change, but not God. He is always “the God of all comfort.”
Let us cling to Him and trust Him to bring us through whatever it is that He has allowed in our lives. He is the only One we can rely on. I believe God so fervently wants us to completely lean on Him and find in Him a love like no other. As we do, we will experience a peace that truly does defy reason! His presence and His Word bring more relief than anything the medical field has to offer. May we honor Him with our trust and watch what He will do in our lives. Be encouraged as HE WILL BRING YOU THROUGH!