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MAKING ME WHOLE: Ear Pain and Ear Infections

One of the most common complaints I encounter in any given day as an ear, nose and throat doctor is ear pain. Ear pain can be caused by different conditions, among them, ear infections. In general, individuals of all age groups can be affected. Not all ear infections are the same. The section of the ear that is affected determines the kind of ear infection you will suffer.

Infections of the ear canal and auricle are called external ear infections. If the infection involves structures beyond the ear drum it is called a middle ear infection. The inner ear contains the organs of hearing and balance. An infection in this space is called an inner ear infection.

Some symptoms like pain and hearing loss can be present in all kinds of infections, but others are not. For example, outer ear infections cause swelling of the ear canal and drainage of pus-like fluid. We like to treat these infections with antibiotic ear drops that can reach directly to the source of the problem. If there is excessive swelling, your doctor will suction all the liquid from your ear and leave a small sponge that can absorb the ear drops and keep the canal open. You will need to keep your ear dry.

Middle ear infections are common at a young age, but can be seen in older individuals as well. They can be acute and chronic. They can be treated with oral antibiotics. If there is persistent fluid in the middle ear space, it may need to be drained to restore hearing.

Inner ear infections can cause vertigo, which is a sensation of movement in the absence of external movement, for example, a spinning sensation. Vertigo can be treated with medicines like meclizine and diazepam to help restore one's balance.

As I mentioned before, not all ear pains are caused by infections. One condition which can present with ear pain is called temporomandibular joint dysfunction, commonly known as TMJ dysfunction. This joint articulates the jaw bone with the skull and forms the front wall of the outer ear canal. Individuals with dentures, problems with teeth alignment or who chew gum or hard food items in excess, can worsen this ear pain. The initial treatment is avoidance of behaviors that make it worse, anti- inflammatories like ibuprofen and a dental evaluation.

Throat problems like infections or growths can also cause ear pain. This ear pain is carried by nerves that supply both the throat and ear.

In summary, don't let ear pain linger for too long before having it checked by your doctor, since some conditions can worsen without treatment.

23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV)

Editor’s Note: If you’re a medical professional and would like to join the cadre of contributors to this health and wellness feature, please contact Cynny Anderson,

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