MAKING ME WHOLE: 8 Wellness and Fitness Tips for Improving Your Quality of Life
I am so thankful that I can participate in the health and wellness feature of the women's newsletter this month. I am a member of...
MAKING ME WHOLE: Zika Virus Disease
Zika virus was first discovered in 1947 and is named after the Zika forest in Uganda. Zika virus disease is a disease that occurs when a...
MAKING ME WHOLE: Goodbye, Foot Pain
Finally, modern medicine has come up with a solution for foot pain, foot pain from many different sources. The MLS laser has been...
MAKING ME WHOLE: MyPlate – Healthy Eating Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated
Using the “MyPlate” nutrition education tool as reference, a healthy eating plan can be incorporated in your daily routine. The...
MAKING ME WHOLE: Ear Pain and Ear Infections
One of the most common complaints I encounter in any given day as an ear, nose and throat doctor is ear pain. Ear pain can be caused by...