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MAKING ME WHOLE: 8 Wellness and Fitness Tips for Improving Your Quality of Life

I am so thankful that I can participate in the health and wellness feature of the women's newsletter this month. I am a member of TrinityLife and I am one of the instructors for the Renew Women's Fitness Ministry. For those of you that have never met me before, I love all things movement, health and wellness. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Dance Performance from the Boston Conservatory. I studied Public Health and Nutrition at Liberty University. I dance professionally, teach fitness classes full-time and I am a holistic health coach. I am so thankful that I can use the gifts that God has blessed me with to bless others. Helping people achieve their fullest potential of health is what I am most passionate about.

I think it is so wonderful that so many churches are incorporating wellness and fitness events, classes and seminars as a part of ministry. Renew has been such a blessing because having a fitness ministry at church not only provides women with free and diverse fitness classes, but it is also a way for us to fellowship, connect, and hear and receive all that God has for us. As women, we all live very busy and diverse lives. Some of us are mothers, wives, full-time students, single parents, entrepreneurs, stay at home moms…the list goes on. Naturally, we are professional multi-taskers. Multi-tasking can be a blessing when there is much work to be done. However, when we are always “doing” we forget to take time for ourselves. I believe that God wants us to be healthy, both spiritually and physically. All of us have full schedules, and at times it may seem impossible to stop and take a breather. I wanted to bless you with 8 positive wellness tips that can help improve your quality of life.

1) Breathe - It sounds simple, but when was the last time that you stopped and took five deep breaths and just focused on your breathing? Oxygen provides energy in the body and promotes blood flow. When we take just a few minutes to focus on our breathing, we become more self-aware and more relaxed both physically and mentally.

2) Create some positive routines. When we create positive routines, we create positive habits. I will give you an example of a healthy routine I do daily: Each morning I drink two classes of water before I eat breakfast. Allowing my body to have water first reminds me that I need to continue to drink water daily. Remember that when we wake up, our body has not had any water for 6 1/2 - 8 hours. This positive routine has helped me to become more conscious of my daily water intake. What is a positive routine that you could benefit from and begin to incorporate into your daily life?

3) Take 5 minutes in the morning to stretch. As an experienced Yoga and Pilates teacher, many of my students come to my classes because their doctors recommend a gentle way for them to create more mobility and flexibility in the body. Taking five minutes before you run out of the door to do some simple stretches and mobility exercises can dramatically change the way your body feels throughout the day. Remember to always consult with your doctor and ask him or her if they recommend any fitness classes that would specifically benefit you and your personal physical needs.

4) Write down a weekly gratitude list. Having a weekly gratitude list helps to shift your focus, and helps you to appreciate your current situation. Even in our times of pain and struggle, writing down all of the things God has done in our lives and that we are believing Him to do can shift our mind in a powerful way.

5) Eat fresh fruit and vegetables. While we all have heard this a million times, it is so important and crucial to how our body performs on a daily basis. If having a giant kale salad isn’t for you, that’s O.K. There are SO many ways to get all of our nutrients and antioxidants. Make a smoothie, a juice or a fruit salad. Take the time to prepare these essential nutrients in a way that you enjoy them. Remember, the same way in which we need the Word to fuel us spiritually and keep us strong is the way our body needs the proper nutrients to keep it functioning at its best.

6) Limit your media consumption. This is a big one and many of us struggle with it. Our brains can only process a limited amount of information. When you need your focus to be on one specific task, don’t overflow the brain with television, social media, magazines, etc.

7) Eat mindfully. This advice ties in with tip #6. When we eat and are overloading the stimuli, we are under such a high amount of stress that our bodies don't realize that they are supposed to be digesting. We all have “off” mornings. But don’t let running out of the door while still putting on your other shoe with a granola bar hanging out of your mouth become your “normal” breakfast time. Paying attention while you’re eating assures full digestion and nutritional benefits.

8) Accept yourself as you are. This is SO important. We must always remember that we are daughters of Christ, fearfully and wonderfully made. Although we may have physically goals (weight loss, more mindful eating habits, a more consistent fitness schedule) don’t allow a setback to discourage your journey and distract you from moving forward. Even on our days when we are not feeling our best, remember that if our hearts are pure and we are walking in obedience, then we are pleasing our Father. We are each unique and have something so incredibly powerful to offer the world that no one else has. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created each one of us. Remembering God’s love for us completely changes how we see ourselves.

Ladies, Thank you so much again for allowing me to be a part of this month’s wellness and fitness feature! I look forward to growing more in Christ with each of you. I am so incredibly thankful for this inspiring community of God-filled women. Remember to join us at 7:00 P.M. every Tuesday night at Trinity Life for our Renew Fitness Ministry! We can’t wait to see you there!

Editor’s Note: If you are a medical professional and would like to join the cadre of contributors to this health and wellness feature, please contact Etta Watkins, or Ella Johnson,

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