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TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use January 2016

Welcome to 2016! As I reflect upon last year, with its challenges and joys, the most salient lesson that I learned was trust in God. While I’ve heard innumerable sermons on the topic of God’s sovereignty and even taught a few classes on the subject myself, 2015 was a year in which the Lord showed Himself faithful in so many areas of my life, big and small, that I finally began to relax in the reality of His superintending Hand in my life. No, I did not live out this new perspective perfectly but my responses to situations caused me to recognize that I have considerably loosened my grip on the steering wheel of my life. Much more readily, I now say, “Jesus, You’re in control. Help me to listen, obey and trust You for the outcome that reflects your perfect will.” The refrain from Helen H. Lemmel’s beloved 1922 hymn is so true:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.

We’re all probably familiar with the poem titled, “The Weaver” that beautifully describes the sovereignty of God. Originally written by Mr. Benjamin Malachi Franklin in the mid 20th century, the final verse was later added by Grant Coulfax Tullar, a prolific hymnist.

My life is but a weaving/Between my God and me/I cannot choose the colors/He weaveth steadily.

Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow/And I in foolish pride/Forget He sees the upper/And I the underside.

Not ’til the loom is silent/And the shuttles cease to fly/Will God unroll the canvas/And reveal the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful/In the weaver’s skillful hand/As the threads of gold and silver/In the pattern He has planned

He knows, He loves, He cares/Nothing this truth can dim/He gives the very best to those/Who leave the choice to Him.

Now I enter 2016 with a deeper level of trust, forged by the experiences of the past. Although I’m not given to making New Year’s resolutions, since I tend to devoutly aver them in January and sorely neglect them by February, I do want to make one commitment. I encourage you to do the same. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to empower us to live with utmost confidence in the loving sufficiency of our Savior who guards and guides our life. Then our focus will shift from worry and vain attempts to control ourselves, circumstances and others to being and doing what honors Him the most, in full recognition of the fact that our time here is fleeting but that we will be with Him forever.

With eternity's values in view, Lord. With eternity's values in view; May I do each day's work for Jesus With eternity's values in view.

Alfred B. Smith, 1941

In this month’s newsletter, you’ll find our small group meetings listed in a feature titled, “The Gathering Place”. Patti Payne wrote the piece that is found in the “TWAM” section. In “The Family Room”, we have an article supplied by Cheryl Joel that offers a challenging message to the married among us. We’re pleased to introduce a new periodic feature this month, “Walking with Jesus”, which shares the testimonies or devotional thoughts of women in our congregation. Sade Owolabi is the author of this month’s call to deeper discipleship. The “God’s Money and You” article contains some important information from Crown Financial Ministries. In our health and wellness-based feature, “Making Me Whole”, we have an article provided by Kelly Geoghan, a podiatrist. Look in “The Cook’s Corner” for a recipe from the kitchen of Assetou Kabre. The “Sneak Peeks” section will give you a hint of future growth and fellowship opportunities and we list some other ways that you can connect with us in the “Did You Know?” feature. Enjoy!

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