TrinityWomen News You Can Use: March 2016
March is the month that is known for being windy. When I think of wind, I’m reminded of the fact that in scripture, the words “wind” or...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use February 2016
February is the month associated with celebrations of love. Our one English word “love” fails to convey the fact that there are actually...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use January 2016
Welcome to 2016! As I reflect upon last year, with its challenges and joys, the most salient lesson that I learned was trust in God. ...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use - November 2015
November is the month during which we here in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving. In doing so, we continue a tradition begun by...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use October 2015
Halloween is a holiday that dates back more than 2000 years. It is celebrated on the night of October 31. The word “Halloween” is a...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use - September 2015
Welcome to September! This month brings with it the last major holiday of the summer, Labor Day, a new school year and the wonderfully...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use – August 2015
The month of August was named for the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar in 8 B.C. I enjoy etymology, the study of word origins, and as I...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use – July 2015
July is the month during which we celebrate the birth of our nation. While our founders were not perfect, the ideals of life, liberty...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use – June 2015
June is the month during which we celebrate Father’s Day and, in some Christian traditions, Children’s Day, as well. A father is so...