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TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use February 2016

February is the month associated with celebrations of love. Our one English word “love” fails to convey the fact that there are actually different types of love. In the Greek language of New Testament times, there were four different words used to describe love.

“Storge”: Love of family

“Phileo”: Love between friends

“Eros”: Romantic love

“Agapeo”: Self-sacrificial, unconditional love. This is the highest form of love and is used to describe the love that God has for us and that which we can manifest as our relationship with Him matures.

Perhaps you’ve been blessed to experience the security of familial love, the warmth of a dear friend’s love, the exhilaration of romantic love or maybe even all three. If so, that is indeed a blessing. However, if you have received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you have, without doubt, been the recipient of the greatest love of all - the unconditional, self-sacrificing devotion of God as revealed in the THEANTHROPOS, the God-Man, Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for your sins and brought you into a right relationship with the Eternal King of the Universe.

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. I John 3:1 (NKJV)

However you plan to celebrate love this month, take some time to praise the Father for the gift of His Son, the salvation that you received because of His great love and the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit Who confirms that love to you in innumerable ways throughout your journey here on earth.

Love divine, all loves excelling/Joy of heaven to earth come down/Fix in us thy humble dwelling/All thy faithful mercies crown!/Jesus, Thou art all compassion/ Pure unbounded love Thou art/Visit us with Thy salvation/Enter every trembling heart.

Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit/Into every troubled breast!/Let us all in Thee inherit/Let us find that second rest/Take away our bent to sinning/Alpha and Omega be/End of faith, as its Beginning/Set our hearts at liberty.

Come, Almighty to deliver/Let us all Thy life receive/Suddenly return and never/ Never more Thy temples leave/Thee we would be always blessing/Serve Thee as Thy hosts above/Pray and praise Thee without ceasing/Glory in Thy perfect love.

Finish, then, Thy new creation/Pure and spotless let us be/Let us see Thy great salvation/Perfectly restored in Thee/Changed from glory into glory/Till in heaven we take our place/Till we cast our crowns before Thee/Lost in wonder, love, and praise.

Charles Wes­ley, 1747

In this month’s newsletter, you’ll find our small group meetings listed in a feature titled, “The Gathering Place”. Sammy Bateman wrote the piece that is found in the “TWAM” section. In “The Family Room”, we have an article supplied by Cheryl Joel that demonstrates the power of God’s love. Roslyn Goode shares a devotional lesson with us in the “Walking with Jesus” feature. The “God’s Money and You” article is written by CPA, Loema Titanji. In our health and wellness-based feature, “Making Me Whole”, we have an article provided by Love Nzeako, a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. Look in “The Cook’s Corner” for a recipe from the kitchen of Kelley Murphy. The “Sneak Peeks” section will give you a hint of future growth and fellowship opportunities and we list some other ways that you can connect with us in the “Did You Know?” feature. Enjoy!


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