TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use – July 2015
July is the month during which we celebrate the birth of our nation. While our founders were not perfect, the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that they posited have proven to be of great value to people around the world. Many of these people desperately desire to enjoy the freedoms that we, who were born in this land, take for granted.
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ residing in the United States of America, we are doubly blessed. We not only experience the economic, political and religious freedom that is available here, we also have the joy of being free in Christ. Having received the gift of salvation that comes through the perfectly righteous life, atoning death and glorious resurrection of Jesus, we are the beneficiaries of a wonderful three-fold freedom.
First, we are free from the penalty of sin, which is eternal separation from the favor of God in a place called hell. Romans 6:23 soberly admonishes us that “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Revelation 21:8 describes that terrible eternal abode of those who reject Christ as “the lake that burns with fire and brimstone”.
In verse 22 of that same chapter of Paul’s magnum opus, Romans, he reminds us of the second aspect of the freedom that we have. “But now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life.” As we allow the Word of God to inform our thoughts and yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are free from the power of sin.
In the full measure of that eternal life that we will experience after going to live with our Lord in heaven, we will experience freedom from the very presence of sin. “But there shall by no means enter into it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Revelation 21:27
As you celebrate our nation’s birthday, take time to thank God for your spiritual freedom as well. What a blessed people we are!
So long I had searched for life's meaning, enslaved by the world and my greed; then the door of the prison was opened by love, for the ransom was paid - I was free.
I'm free from the guilt that I carried, from that dull empty life I'm set free; for when I met Jesus, He made me complete. He forgot how foolish I used to be.
Refrain I'm free from the fear of tomorrow, I'm free from the guilt of the past; for I've traded my shackles for a glorious song, I'm Free! Praise the Lord! Free at last!
Nathan Williams
In this month’s newsletter, you’ll find our small group meetings listed in a feature titled, “The Gathering Place”. The “Sneak Peeks” section will give you a hint of future growth and fellowship opportunities and we list some other ways that you can connect with us in the “Did You Know?” feature. Enjoy!