THE COOK'S CORNER: Mamma's Favorite Picnic Beans
Hello! My name is Priscilla Cole, and from Monday through Wednesday, I am the Front Desk Receptionist and Accounting Associate at the...
GOD'S WOMAN: What IS God Up To?
The story of sisters Leah and Rachel in the book of Genesis is well known. There was rivalry between Leah and Rachel that simply would...
The Family Room: 5 Biggest Little Ways to Improve Your Marriage
A few small actions carry surprising power in building a lasting relationship. Not long ago, the marriage of some close friends—I'll call...
Hello. My name is Diamond Gaines. I am 21 years old and a junior in college. I took one year off from school and thought that I would...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use – July 2015
July is the month during which we celebrate the birth of our nation. While our founders were not perfect, the ideals of life, liberty...
SNEAK PEEKS!!! July 2015
​ Prayer Night, Friday, August 21, 2015 @ 7:00 P.M. in the Admin. Suite Join us as we petition the King of the Universe and be reminded...