10 Ideas: Connecting With Your Kids
In today’s activity-packed society, it’s more important than ever to intentionally connect with your kids. Children are a heritage from...
THE FAMILY ROOM: 6 (Almost) Free Summer Activities
Moms have to be creative in the summer. During days when our little people are underfoot 24/7, busy moms need a plan to keep those little...
SNEAK PEEKS!!! June 2016
TrinityWomen Prayer Night in July will be on Friday, July 22nd at 7:00 P.M. in the Administrative Suite. Paint Party: Saturday, July 30th...
THE COOK'S CORNER: Peach Nutmeg Chicken
​​ Hi, TrinityWomen! My name is Kelley Murphy and I’m your site administrator. I’m also a rising August is the prime month for peaches...
TRINITYWOMEN ON A MISSION: Heart for the Homeless/The Power of One!
When I was teaching at Pikesville Middle School in 2008, our school was in the midst of conducting a special toiletry drive for the...
DID YOU KNOW? August 2015
​ TrinityWomen has a new website. Go to http://trinitywomen.wix.com/welcome for the latest inspiring and interesting articles, photos...
SNEAK PEEKS!!! August 2015
​ Scrapalonians We’ll meet on Central Campus from Thursday, September 17th through Saturday, September 19th for a fun weekend of...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use – August 2015
The month of August was named for the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar in 8 B.C. I enjoy etymology, the study of word origins, and as I...
THE COOK'S CORNER: Mamma's Favorite Picnic Beans
Hello! My name is Priscilla Cole, and from Monday through Wednesday, I am the Front Desk Receptionist and Accounting Associate at the...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use – July 2015
July is the month during which we celebrate the birth of our nation. While our founders were not perfect, the ideals of life, liberty...