THE COOK'S CORNER: Protein-Packed Quinoa and Kale Salad
Hello. My name is Marilyn Harewood. I love the Lord, enjoy working out and making meals that are simple. I am on a journey to...
GOD'S MONEY AND YOU: Where? Oh, Where Did My Money Go?
My name is Loema Titanji and I have been a member of TrinityLife for a little over 5 years. As part of the Trinity family, I’ve had the...
GOD'S WOMAN: A Woman, A Wife, A Mother
There has been research, there have been assumptions but still her name is not readily known. She’s simply called Noah’s wife. Who was...
THE FAMILY ROOM: The Power of Praying for Your Children
What have we learned about prayer for our children as they prepared for and entered adolescence? The sobering news about raising children...
TRINITYWOMEN on a MISSION: Costa Rica Missions Trip
Yellow, black, red, white, green; yellow, black, red, white, green…..over 1500 times. Huh? What is that? Salvation bracelets!! All...
TRINITYWOMEN: News You Can Use - September 2015
Welcome to September! This month brings with it the last major holiday of the summer, Labor Day, a new school year and the wonderfully...
SNEAK PEEKS!!! September 2015
Apples of Gold Saturday, November 7th - Annual Holiday Tea. Save the date for this popular ladies' traditional tea time with your...